The Effects of Breastfeeding, Water and Sanitation on under-Five Mortality in Uganda
Bob Elwange, Kyambogo University
Sunday Adedini, University of the Witwatersrand
Although studies show that breastfeeding averts mortality risk among children, its interaction effects on the mortality in areas with poor water and sanitation is least understood. In Uganda, only 48% of the population accesses clean water and 32% use improved sanitation facilities. Besides, only 46% of the children are breastfed for 24 months and 62% exclusively. Thus, this study examines the effects of breastfeeding, water and sanitation and their interaction effects on under-five mortality in Uganda using binary logistic model and data from Uganda Demographic and Health survey of 2011. Results show that lack of breastfeeding increases mortality risk but no association observed between water, sanitation, waste disposal and under-five mortality. After interactions, households with no sanitation become strongly associated with under-five mortality. The association between water from borehole source and under-five mortality moves to near significance.
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Presented in Poster Session 3: Health of Women, Children, and Families