Maternal Death Review and Contextualization of Maternal Death in West Bengal
Md Illias Kanchan SK, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
The death of a woman during pregnancy and childbirth is not only a health issue but also a matter of social injustice. This study makes an attempt to explore association between maternal death and associated factors in West Bengal using the approaches of facility-based and community-based maternal death review. Bivariate and binary logistic regression analysis has been performed to understand the causes and circumstances of maternal deaths in West Bengal. Delay in seeking care was the major contributor in maternal deaths, near about one-third women died due to this factor. The most common cause of maternal death is found to be hypertensive disorders of pregnancy or eclampsia. We believe that these deaths can be averted byreducing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy or eclampsia.
Presented in Poster Session 3: Health of Women, Children, and Families