African American Male Knowledge about Risk Factors for Infant Mortality and Adverse Birth Outcomes [Pilot Study]
Lorenzo N. Hopper, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Objectives: The objective of this study is to assess the knowledge of African American men pertaining to the importance of prenatal care, dietary intake and risky behavior choices for expecting mothers. Methods: A survey of African American men living in Pitt County, North Carolina was conducted. Regression analysis and cross tabulations were used to determine the frequencies of the men who correctly identified risk factors that are known to influence adverse birth outcomes. Chi Square analysis was utilized for hypothesis testing. Results: 62% (n=18) of respondents with a high school diploma answered “not sure” when asked if a women’s diet before pregnancy affects the unborn child’s health. This value is compared to 50% (n=15) of those with a bachelor’s degree who “strongly agreed” with the same question. Conclusion: Association exists between the educational and income levels of respondents and their acceptance of dietary risk factors being associated with infant mortality.
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Presented in Poster Session 3: Health of Women, Children, and Families