Nordic Family Policy and Union Dissolution

Trude LappegÄrd, Statistics Norway
Ann-Zofie Duvander, Stockholm University

Questions about the possible links between gender roles and family stability have emerged with increasing union instability. In dual-earner societies there is still a gap between gender equality in the public and private spheres which is a possible source of family instability. In this study we ask whether and how a smaller gap in gender equality between the two spheres is associated with family stability. Nordic family policy aims at gender equal division of childcare and economic responsibility. Using unique data covering the total population in Iceland, Sweden and Norway we consider how parental leave use is related to union dissolution. Preliminary results for Norway suggest that more leave taken by the father is associated with lower risk of splitting up suggesting that more gender equality in the family is a possible source of family stability.

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Presented in Session 89: Demographic Consequences of Domestic Gender Equality