Determinants of Nepali Women’s Health Behavior Preferences and Decisions: Evaluating the Effect of a Cash Incentive Program
Jaehyun Nam, Columbia University
David Ansong, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Shanta Pandey, Washington University in St. Louis
This study examines the impacts of the Safe Delivery Incentive Program (SDIP), a cash incentive program, in Nepal on a mother’s decision to vaccinate her children. Using data from the sixth wave of the Nepali Demographic and Health Survey, this study assesses whether cash incentives encourage women to vaccinate their children. The target population was mothers with children 12-23 months. This study finds that the women, who received cash by completing required conditions such as the 4ANC, ID, and postnatal visits, increased their children’s vaccinations by 4% of likelihood, compared to their counterparts.
Presented in Poster Session 3: Health of Women, Children, and Families