Family Networks and Transfers of Time and Money: New Evidence from the 2013 Panel Study of Income Dynamics
Suzanne M. Bianchi, University of California, Los Angeles
Vicki A. Freedman, University of Michigan
V. Joseph Hotz, Duke University
Robert Schoeni, University of Michigan
Judith A. Seltzer, University of California, Los Angeles
The 2013 Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) includes a new Family Roster and Transfer Module in which respondents and their spouses are asked to enumerate all living parents and children over 18 and to report about recent and long-term transfers of time and money to these individuals. Respondents also provide information about key characteristics of their parents and adult children including age, educational attainment, marital (or partner) status, income, home ownership, health, employment status, and number of children. This poster provides the first description of extended family structure and transfers of time and money for young, middle-aged, and older adults using these new data, which will be available in early 2014. The new PSID module is the first to fully enumerate all biological, adopted, and step relationships of parents, parents-in-law, and adult children in the PSID and it is the first major data collection effort on transfers of time and money in the PSID since 1988.
Presented in Poster Session 5: Economy, Labor Force, Education and Inequality