Age and Cause-Specific Mortality Rates in Recession Years: Evidence from Greece

Alexandra Tragaki, Harokopio University of Athens

Historical evidence strongly supports that throughout the human history economic growth and prosperity have been associated to declining mortality rates.Despite this established conviction, in low-mortality regions the liaison between economic fluctuations and death rates is not that straightforward. This paper examines if there are any immediate effects of the currently unfolding Greek economic crisis on mortality.Based on macroeconomic data provided by the Hellenic Statistics Authority, analysis estimates age and sex specific death rates for the years 2000-2012, mainly focusing on the trends during the recessionary years compared to the pre-recession period. Due to the limited time span, only timid changes (if any) are expected. compared to the pre-recession period. Non-parametric correlation indicators have been applied to identify the impact of economic indicators on mortality rates.Due to the limited time span, only timid changes(if any) are expected.

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Presented in Poster Session 8: Adult Health and Mortality